Inspected Once, Inspected Right!

Diligent and timely service is our priority!


  When it comes to Single Family Residential home inspections, we have you covered!  Not  only do home inspections allow you to make a more sound decision when it comes to purchasing your next home, but many financial institutions require a home inspection as a prerequisite to obtaining funds.  With a number of different services offered, SFR Inspections is your one stop shop when it comes to home inspections!

Inspection Services


All of our professional home inspections adhere to the requirements set forth by the TREC Standards of Practice.


New Construction Inspection



Pre-Listing Inspection

A pre-listing home inspection can help you identify what repairs need to be made to help in negotiations or uncover good things about your house that can help in marketing the sell.


One-Year Warranty Inspection

Builder warranties typically expire after one year, it may be your last opportunity to notify them about repairs or adjustments that are needed. Have a report to bring to your builder


Additional Services

Sprinkler System

Let us test the sprinkler system in your new home to make sure the zones are firing on all cylinders.



Whether the pool water is clean or green, find out the state of your pool with a pool/spa inspection!


Detached Building

あなたの新しい家にはプールハウス、義母用の部屋、または奥まった場所に他の作業場がありますか? それも検査できます!



Basic water quality test  for FHA / VA loan requirement or more robust water quality testing options available.



Septic System

Not on the city public sewer system? No problem, schedule your septic system inspection with your home inspection!


Drone Photos

Whether you have a big land purchase you'd like aerial photos of or multiple roof shots, we have you covered with high resolution drone photos.



** Time slots are for 9am or 1pm. If you need a same day schedule or the time-slot you need is not available, please call 469-348-5134 and we will do our best to get you taken care of **

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We treat every project with the respect it deserves, and don't stop until you are satisfied.

View All Services
  • Supra / Blue iBox access. Inspector will contact CSS, Broker Buy or Listing Agent for access prior to inspection.

  • Property report returned within 24 hours after home inspection or you get $100 back on your inspection!

  • 24 時間いつでも、オンラインで住宅検査やその他のサービスをスケジュールできます。[検査のスケジュール] をクリックすると、利用可能な日付がカレンダーに表示されます。希望する日付とサービスを選択すると、スケジューラーが見積り費用を提示し、予約をスケジュールします。

  • 検査のスケジュールが決まると、オンライン アカウントが付与され、コンピューターや携帯電話からすべてのレポートと写真に簡単にアクセスできます。オンライン レポートでセクション間を移動したり、完全なレポートを PDF としてダウンロードして印刷したりできます。


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